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My Dog vs Rabies

19 9:25:32

My dog recently received her shot for rabies. She's a 10 year old toy poodle and has been getting the shots since she was 1. She has been very sluggish and even walks like her stomach may be bothering her. When she walks you can tell she's feeling uncomfortable. I haven't heard her bark, she sounds like she's having a problem breathing, and it sounds like she's whimpering silently every time she breathes. She has never had these issues before from receiving her shots. I think she needs to go to the vet, but my parents don't think so. Please give me some insight.

Dear Kayla,

Thank you for writing to me about your dog.  You didn't say how recently she received her rabies shot was.  I don't know if it was hours or days or a week or two but if what's happening to your dog is from the vaccination then she has a condition called vaccinosis.  It can be fatal in some cases.  She should NEVER get a vaccine again.  Also, I don't know if she's getting a vaccination once a year or every three years as is the protocol now for rabies.

The symptoms you are describing are serious.  I've been working with dogs for 35 years and anything to do with breathing problems can be the heart or the lungs among other issues.  Somehow you must convince your parents to bring her to the vet and soon.  They will feel horrible if your dog dies because it wasn't given medical treatment.

It is very clear to me from your description that your dog is suffering.  Whatever is going on, it is serious and perhaps life threatening.  Can you possibly bring the dog into the vet yourself and then ask them to send a bill after the exam is over?

The only thing I can think of is to get help from outside your home if your parents won't respond.  Follow your instincts about your dog..your gut feeling is that she is in trouble.  Listen to your inner voice.  Ask a friend or relative or neighbor to help you.  Do whatever it takes to save your dog's life and stop her from suffering.

I wish you the very best,
Shelley Davis