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19 14:04:54

My dog was neutered two days ago. He seems to be in pain, following me around every step I take and sitting at my feet. I move he moves type thing. Can I put neosporin on the cut site to help with the healing or pain?

Neosporin can be added to the incision site; however, the dog will usually just lick it off. It will assist in the healing process and help fight off infection. Remember that your dogs saliva has proteins and enzymes in it that also promote healing and help fight infection so do not discourage him from liking the incision, just don't let him lick it so much that he pulls the sutures (stitches) out and opens the surgery site. If there is any redness, infection may be starting but the post surgery medications should help fight it off. If there is a lot of milky discharge (puss) you should take your dog back to your veterinarian to have it checked out. The procedure is painful and will be so for up to a week or until the surgery site has healed completely. If the dog is in a lot of pain, crying out etc..., you may want to speak with your veterinarian about pain medications to be given for the next few days; however, they are usually not necessary. The neosporin will not really help with the pain, even if you use the neosporin with pain meds in it, it will only help with surface pain and the incision is through several layers of tissue not just the surface skin. If this if the first dog you have had neutered don't stress out. The reactions you are describing are natural and expected. Just watch for infection and everything should be fine. Be sure he gets plenty of exercise, but don't let him overexert himself. Hope this helped. Let me know if you have any further questions.