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House Training an Adult Dog

19 11:06:47

My 5 year-old Min Pin refuses to go outside if it's cold or raining and thus "goes" in the house. She also can't seem to make it through the night.  I take her out right before bed and as early as I can in the morning but sometimes it's already too late.  I'm wondering if I should litter train her or is it too late in the game? I've never had problems like this with other dogs and I'm desperate for a back-up method. Please help!

Hello and this is a very familiar problem, as i had a dog with the same problem. The litterbox will not fix anything as the dog needs to learn to hold it in. You need to start over with crate training and make sure she stops eating and drinking at about 630 pm each night. Take the dog out right before you go to bed and as soon as you get up but make sure you go out with her and praise her. As far as the rain...the only thing you can do is go out with her to get her used to it. It took about 8 times for my dog til she went out on her own,. if you need more detail just ask.thanks