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Winter and my cocker spaniel

19 9:28:56

I have a 25 lbs cocker spaniel. We moved to TN last year and I'm concerned about his paws when it comes to Winter snow and ice (and just plain cold).  He is 4 years old now and I'm wondering if I just try to get him used to booties or is he going to be fine?  We never stay outside more than an hour, but maybe that's too long for him.  I do put a sweater on him, even though he has a nice thick coat.
Thanks for your time.

Hi Lynette,
Thanks for your question. I think your dog would be fine all day in the snow as their paw pads are much thicker than our skin.

However, I live in a part of Australia that does not see snow, I've never actually seen snow! So I cannot really give you the most educated answer to your question.

I suggest phoning your vet clinic and asking them or even a local pet shop, i imaine in an area that snows most pet stores and veterinary clinics would easily be able to answer your question.