Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Daschund


19 10:06:17


I have a 2 year old daschund.  He is a standard size and is not overweight.  He weighs about 22-24 pounds.  When he was a puppy we had to encourage him to walk, and then he loved it.  Up until the last two weeks, he has been interested in going for a walk, by going to the front door and being excited to put on his leash.  We get to the end of the street (about 4 houses) and he sits down, all four paws dug into the ground and doesn't want to walk, unless we turn around to go home.  He usually loved walking the route because it meant we were going to grandma and grandpa's house.  Now, he is not so sure and I have tried to bend down and call him to come and slowly he will walk to me.  I try to encourage him but he does not want any of it.
I am also 8 months pregnant.  Some say that he is becoming protective of his home because of me.  I do not see how they relate.
Please Advise.  I loved walking him and am concerned about why he no longer enjoys it.

Dogs are quite aware of pregnancy and take their responsibilities seriously.  It indeed could be the cause.  

Something bad could have happen beyond there you may have missed or forgotten.  Try walking a different route and see how he does.

It could also be a health problem preventing him from walking as far as before.  I hate to send you to the vet, but if you see any other lack of activity, you need to.