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growth on front paw

19 9:19:03

My dog is 16 years old and has a large soft squeshy tumor on her paw. Has grown slightly in the past year. Iam wondering if I can tie the tumor off and see if it dies and falls off? Or can I cut it off after I have tied it off for a few days?

Dear Susan,

Thank you for writing to me.  NO you can't tie off the tumor or cut it off.  It could cause a terrible infection and your dog could lose her paw or her life.  Cutting it off could start a blood vessle bleeding that could not be stopped except by a vet and she could bleed to death. Tumors often have large active blood vessles in them and bleeding to death (not to mention the mess of blood) could be a terrible way for her to die.

I don't know who filled your head with such terrible ideas. I know you love your dog...she's been yours for 16 years and you want to do right by her.  Do not play vet with her life and think about the suffering things like this could cause to her.  I know this isn't how you want her life to end.

Please take her to the vet and see what he can do.  Perhaps he can do something or just tell you to leave it alone.  It could be cancer and you don't want to fool around with that either.

Shelley Davis