Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Cockerspaniels


19 10:17:49

I have two brother cockerspaniels that are 7 months old and we got them three months ago. They both came in my home and right a way did great in the crate. All day and night, no problems. Then about two weeks ago, one of them has started going pee and poop in the crate when we aren't there and even when we are! I have tried everything that has been referred to me from having the crate devider shrink his area down to a sliver and he still went to the bathroom to feeding him in his crate. I am taking him to his doctor this weekend, but just don't know what else we can do.

Going to the vet is a good next step to rule out any medical condition that might be causing this.  The only other thing I could suggest is trying St Johns Wort or DAP (dog appeasing pheromones).  Both are known to calm dogs.  Maybe it's a stress issue.  Ask your vet about these when you see him.