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outdoor dog- labrador retreiver?

19 10:40:05

Hi.    As much as I love my labrador retriever and as long as I've had her(nearly 5 years) it seems this past year I have been completly fed up with her exessive shedding, muddy feet and sloppy drinking habits more then ever and I've had just about enough to last a lifetime. I know she loves the outdoors any time of year she always wants to be outside rain, sleet or shine and it came apon me that perhaps she could live outside in my fenced yard on a permenat basis? except for the coldest of days and was thinking I'd bring her in and let her sleep in her warm crate at night regardles of time of year. I was wondering if there is any problem with this? When I was growing up we had a miniature american escamo dog and "fluffy" rarely ever came into the house as he much perfered being outside. I would provide her with a large insulated dog house and a heated water bowl for the colder days if that is enough? I love my dog very much sir don't get me wrong but as it seems the older I get(I was able to get my dog when I was 13) the less I am able to tolerate mudd on my floors/in my bed, 4 foot long water trails from the bowl and hair in every corner of the house and so forth. I am looking for some input on the idea and possibly an idea of where to get info on making an insulated dog house if this would be an exceptable living arangement for her.  Thank you so much for any input at all.

I would hate to see you do it.  There is more than having a warm place to sleep.  Dogs are social animals wanting the company of their pack.  It is possible she could become a problem barker.  Be careful she can't chew the cord to any heated water dish.  

You could line a wooden dog house with foam.  It might be best to add another thin layer of wood to protect the foam from chewing.  The molded plastic insulated dog houses I see look to me like they have too large of a door to give much protection from cold winds.  

What kinds of brushes have you tried?  I have had good luck with the wire slicker brushes.  Others swear by the Zoom Groom or Furminator.