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House training my rescue Staffordshire Bull Terrior

19 10:34:03

I have a 14 month old female rescue English Staffordshire Bull Terrior.  I got
her from the rescue home at aged 6-9 months.  For the most part she is well
house trained, however every now and then she suddently starts to pee in the
house.  There can be weeks where there are no accidents at all and then
suddenly she will start to pee in the house and continue to do so for days or
weeks at a time.

I have a good walking and feeding routine with her. I alway ensure she pees
and poos when we go to the park.  But this does not seem to stop her from
suddenly peeing in the house.  Often it is an hour or so after we have been to
the park that she will pee.  But there does not seem to be any routine to her
accidents or logical explanations.   

There only two places in the house that she pees, the sitting room (where we
spend a lot of time) and the store room (where we spend no time).  

I work from home and often she will get my attention to let her outside,
which makes the fact that she sometimes chooses to pee in the house even
more perplexing. There are absolutely no other behavior problems.  She is
truly good as gold -chews nothing and is very obedient.

I have taken her to dog training and my dog trainer promises me that she
does not understand that she is doing anything wrong.  However I swear she
knows that she is not meant to pee in the house.  I can often tell she has
peed because she wags her tail, puts ears back and will not follow me down
the stairs or into the sitting room.  Then I find the pee.  This tells me she
knows she has done something wrong but still she seems unable to help
herself from doing it again.

I have tried so many different approaches  to stop her from urinating in the
house.  I have tried everything from ignoring the mistakes and cleaning them
up, to reprimanding her, to taking her repeatedly to the pee and then taking
her outside - this repetition I was told will let her figure out that she is meant
to be peeing outside only. However as I stated above I am convinced my dog
knows she is doing wrong and I think she feels bad afterwards and yet she
cannot stop doing it.

I am really desperate now and at a complete lose as to what my next steps
should be.  I fear my dog simply cannot be house trained.

Any advice would be much, much appreciated.

Yours truly,

Well you might just have to use a crate for a few weeks,as that is the fastest way of house training a dog-what you do is keep her in there all the time except to be fed,let outside to go for walks ect and do that for about three weeks and slowly let her out more,if the accidents return back in the crate she goes for another week

It seems like she is doing this for attention,so even setting a time to play with her everyday at the same time if you can,might help as well

Also it could be a medical problem,such as a bladder infection,but since it doesn't happen all of the time try the crate first and see how that goes before taking her in