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my dog scratchesher ear

19 10:50:06

i have a lab cross with a staff she has 2 operations on her ears for hematoma the latest one was 2 months ago and ever since its healed she has been scratching her ear and making it very sore a making it bleed i have tried allsorts for this also the vets dont know what we could do to make her stop

Oddly enough preparation H is great for stopping itchy ears. I know it sounds weird, but it works. I have a dear friend who is a vet and suggests his patients owners put it on their dogs ears as they are healing from cropping to stop itching. You can of course also use an elizabethan collar to end scratching, or use a thickly rolled towel wrapped around her neck. Don't leave her unattended of course. Have you considered allergies as the cause of the itching?
Aloe vera gel might help as well.