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over the counter sedation for dogs

19 9:56:53

I will be boarding my daughter's dog on pet airways tomorrow.  He will be flying to L.A.  He is a 6 year old male border collie.  Very intelligent and friendly.  I am concerned about him flying alone, as this is a 2 day flight.  Is there something I can give him to calm him down, as he does not know anyone, and has never been left with strangers.  He is like our one of our children, and I am terrified for him.  thank you


I understand you are concerned about how he will deal with the flight. It is a very long flight.  However, the dog's vet is the only person who could tell you if he would benefit from medications, and if so, which ones. The vet would have the health records - and be able to make an appropiate decision on what is best for the dog.  

Do not give a dog human medicine - while sometimes it may seem to work or help, it can be fatal to a dog.  There is not a lot of time left for you to contact the vet, but please, give him a call first thing in the morning, and see if he recommends any type of medication for the journey.

Hope this helps!