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itchy/smelly patterdale

19 9:51:42

our dog is constantly scratching and licking and gnawing at herself.  she is also rather smelly.  should we bathe her regularly and if so how often.  we have taken her to the vet, who had no idea what the cause was.  her skin tends to be dry.  what can we do?  should we give her a gluten free and wheat free food?

I'm assuming your vet found no evidence of mites or parasites of any kind?

A lot of dogs experience allergy-type symptoms from elements in their environment; do you use anything on your grass?  do you use anything on the carpets? Evaluate your home and her environment to see if there is anything that could be causing the itching.

As you indicate, it could be a food allergy; corn is usually a big culprit, but some dogs cannot tolerate any type of grain, such as the wheat you mention.  You might want to try a "limited ingredient" diet that has only one protein and one starch.  Natural Balance has some available without prescription, such as Duck and Potato, Venison and Potato, etc.

Dogs don't need to be bathed often, unless they roll in something.  Too much bathing can dry the skin; be sure you are using a DOG shampoo since their skin has a different pH balance than ours, and be sure the soap is rinsed out completely, as this can cause itching if it is not.

In order to provide her with some relief, you can give the child's dose (by weight) of Benadryl.  But I wouldn't consider that as a long-term "fix."  You might also contact a groomer to see if they have any suggestions, and perhaps also try to locate a vet in your area that has specialized experience in skin conditions.