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de sexing

19 14:04:50

I have just de-sexed my female bull arab X wolfhound, she is 21 weeks old. i am just wondering will she come back to normal and also will she still be able to be trained easily and be loyal?
also would she be more likely to back down if another dog was to attack her?

Thank you very much ,

Generally spaying your dog will cause them to be easier to train (housebreak, etc...) and will sometimes cause less aggression, this is usually in males. The loyalty depends on the bond that you have with your animal. The more time you spend with her the more loyal she will be. If an animal is abused then of course it will not be loyal. As far as backing down from an attack: it is animal nature to defend oneself, spaying will not change nature. Usually two dogs will fight until a dominance order is established. Once one becomes the "boss" then the other will choose not to fight anymore. If your dog is getting in a lot of fights I would suggest that you have her put in obedience classes and seek the help of a professional trainer or behavorist veterinarian. Hope this helped.