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15 year old female dog

19 14:08:19

My 15 year old dog (mixed lab.) has been restless and panting and pacing the floors, she acts like something is wrong, she still drinks and eats she just seems to be restless, and I have no money right now to take her to the Vet, none will see her without money up front, it has me a little worried.


Hi Susan,

Are you sure she's not pregnant? That is exactly how a dog acts when it's getting ready to have puppies!  I hope not since she's 15 years old!  Take her outside and see if she has to go to the bathroom, maybe she has an upset stomach and is feeling diarrhea coming on.  It's hard to say....but if she doesn't get any better, and especially at her age, you need to take her to the vet.  Just don't tell them that you can't pay up front until after you see the vet.  Then, they have no choice but to bill you.

God Bless,