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My minpin

19 10:38:36

How long is she in heat for?

A heat cycle lasts approximately 4 weeks, but each individual dog is different. Some may go for only 3, and some may go as long as 5. during the first couple of weeks, there will be a bloody discharge from her vulva. Then, that discharge will change color and become lighter, and may even disappear altogether. This is the period of time that she is most fertile, so it is extremely important to keep her away from other dogs. During this time, you should not allow her to be off leash outside, and never alone even if you have a fenced-in yard. Dogs can breed through fences, and male dogs will dig under or climb over to get at a female in heat. I would recommend that after you notice her discharge disappear, you make an appointment to have her spayed in 3-4 weeks.