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help for a intestinal issues

19 10:37:10

I asked you a quesgen about my new pup Riley about a month ago and you were very helpful,thanks, i know this is for dogs but since you do go to vet school I figured you might be able to shed some light on this ongoing cat 3yrs old has had surgery for bladder stones,he was real sick a year ago he wouldnt use the litter box,we confined him,he had bouts of diahrea thenfinaly started to use the box after months of me putting him in it everyday. were have litter box issues again pooing and peeing as if he cant control it ,although just a week ago he was constipated and held it finethis is going on too long im forever cleaning up poo or realy frustrated my husband says to put him up for adoption,nobody wants him with all the kittens they have,the vet has seen him a million times hes stumped,he said that putting him to sleep is an option,i cant hes to youngand it would break my heart hes a beautiful sweet cat otherwise.I heard some one on a tv show talking about her cat who was bloated and blocked like my cat was and his belly was swollen and firm like mine is now she said her cat had some bacterial enteritius,I dont know if thats spelled right or if thats what she said it was but its close.she said there is nothing you could do she had to put him down.could my cat have some thing like that and the vet miss it.we are desperate.     linda in N J

I believe what the person was describing was bacterial hemmoratic gastroenteritis. It's essentially bacteria that causes massive outbreaks of bloody diarrhea, followed by periods of blocking. I have a dog with HGE. It is not pleasant to deal with, it is VERY frustrating constantly keeping his food balanced and keeping him on the right medications, but it is possible to deal with. It never effects his urinary tract though, so I am not sure.

What kind of medications has he been on? What is his diet? Does he drink a lot of water? What kind of tests has the vet run? Has he ever been diagnosed with severe colitis? What does he normally put him on when he is constipated?

If you can provide any more information about his past treatment information I may be able to assist as best I can! Thank you, I hope he feels better!