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lab play mate

19 11:02:45

hello, i own a 3 year old female Labrador. I have been considering getting her a playmate, could you suggest what would be the best breed to get?

Hi Jeremy,

Before getting another dog as a playmate, does your current dog like the company of other dogs? If she is aggressive toward other dogs, bringing another dog into your home would be disastrous.
If your current dog is aggressive towards other dogs, increasing her mental stimulation with something like a dog obedience class, and also increasing the amount of exercise she gets daily would be better than introducing a new dog to your home.

If your dog loves the company of other dogs, consider the temperament and personality of any other dog you're considering adopting, rather than looking at a particular breed.

Many female dogs do not get along well with other female dogs. If your dog has a dominate personality, consider getting a submissive male dog. If your dog is submissive, either a submissive male or a male that's more dominate would work in your home.

At 3 years old, depending on your dog's activity level, a puppy may not be the best choice. Puppies can overwhelm older, more sedate pets.

If possible, introduce your new dog to your current dog in a neutral location. That means a place that is unfamiliar to both dogs. Have them both on leashes (you'll need somebody with you to hold on to the new dog). Allow the dogs to sniff at one another, and offer plenty of treats to keep the mood light and happy. When everyone seems to be getting along, bring the new dog home.
Once home, be sure to pay extra attention to your current dog. Dogs can get jealous, and you want your current dog to be reassured that she's still your girl! Take her places she enjoys, and spend some time with just her.

Before you ever leave the two dogs alone, make sure they are completely non-aggressive towards each other. You may need to supervise the two dogs for up to two months before things settle down to a normal routine.

Best of luck,