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dog vomiting

19 10:40:15

Is it normal for small dogs to vomit every so often like once a week?

Hi Jason,

Thank you for writing to me about your small dog.

You haven't described the kind of vomit your dog is could be his entire meal or some yellow bile.  It's possible that he's allergic to the kind of food you are feeding. Why not try something like Fish & Potato?  This is a low allergy menu.

Additionally, I would suggest adding Prozyme (j-b wholesale)which will help your dog properly digest and absorb all his food. You can also give him ginger from the health food store (capsules) before eating along with the Prozyme.  There are also homeopathic and herbal products for helping with digestion.

Be sure that your dog isn't fed too soon before or after exercising.  This can upset his tummy as well.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis
Canine Consultant