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fleas on a husky/shephard mix

19 14:11:22

We have a siberian husky/german shephard mix who has fleas.  we've bathed him twice, put a flea collar on and last week used frontline.  we have three cats who have also been treated with a product like frontline.  I've vacuumed and cleaned my house.  i've washed sheets and blankets and dog bed covers... they still have fleas... what can I do?

thank you.

Hi Catherine!

Frontline is an excellent product.  Make sure all of your pets are dosed with it, even if already dosed with something else.  Most flea products do not work. More than likely, whatever you used on your cats is no good.  This product works by killing the flea when it bites the cat or dog.  It may take awhile to see improvement, but believe me, you will.  I use only this product and never have a problem with fleas.  You can buy it online.  I buy a spray bottle and use it on all of my pets.  Just squirt some behind their neck.  Go to a search engine and type in Foster Pet Products, and I think you will find some there.  It cost more, but it is worth it!   
Right now, I would suggest you give your cats another dose.  If you are out... order some!  A spray bottle costs about $30.00 but lasts for a long time, several years for me, and I have six dogs and two cats.

God Bless,