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Housetraining puppies

19 11:48:40

I rescued a pair of greyhound puppies 5 weeks ago.  I believe they are about 16 or 17 weeks old now.  House training has been progressing.  We never have any problems with urination now -- they always hit the paper indoors. In fact, even thought they have learned to used the dog door to come and go as they please, often they'll be outdoors for a hour, come in to pee on the paper, and then go right back out!  So, I've got to do some transitioning with them there....

Problem is, they refuse to poop on the paper -- they seem quite adverse to it!  They will poop on the floor within 12 to 18 inches of the paper, but not on it.  This is not simply missing the mark, but rather deliberate behavior.  

As with peeing, sometimes they will poop outdoors, but more likely will hold it for as long as I have them out, and then come in and immediately go somewhere other than the paper!

We've never had this problem with a puppy before, even though there have been many puppies over the years.....

Any ideas?


Penny,  How are they in a crate.  I think you should bring them out, if they don't poop, then bring them in and crate them for about an hour.   Then repeat the same procedure.  Also, put a sheet of the wet paper outside so they know it's ok (for sure) that they can go outside.  Of you cant crate them, then when you bring them in, attach them to a leash and the leash to your belt so they have to be next to you at all times.  Then you can correct them and rush them out if they go to poop.  I  hope they do not have free reign of the house, they are too young for that.  Dogs need to be housebroken in each room.