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mini schnauzers anal glands

19 14:01:32

Hi Karen, love your grooming site by the way. Well my question is I have a one yr old bitch who app once a week or two leaks anal fliud. has been checked by vet no infections or impacted just leaks normally on me or whoever is holding her, in the car , it seems to be just as she is dozing of. She gets vet upset when she does it. Bulking up her food now and its a little better but Im hoping you can shed some light on why she does it and what I can do to stop it.She is dearly loved anal glands and all, we know carry baby wipes where ever we go.

Your vet is probably the only one who really knows the answer to your question, but I would think this could be due to her diet, and adding a bit more fiber to her food might help with this. Anal glands are normally expressed each time the dog eliminates, but if your dog isn't pushing hard enough, I would think the the anal glands just continue to fill up to the point where they just leak from the smallest pressure..... sitting in someone's lap. It only takes about a week for those anal glands to fill.