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pregnant great pyr

19 11:57:25

is it totally necessary to remove the male from the pregnant female?  He goes crazy without her, and whines when they are apart.  He's VERY gentle and protects her.  They sleep together everynight.  What do I do if she delivers and he's around her? (i.e. in middle of night) Thanks so much

Hi Deana;
I have never heard that the male has to be removed.
I don't have a lot of experience with pregnancies.
All of my dogs except a couple in my whole life were spayed or neutered, and I have only taken in a couple of pregnant females to foster, and of course there was no father around.
Io had male dogs of my own in the house, and there was never  problem
I don't know much about Great Pyrenese, except that they are so gorgeous, and are supposed to have one of the best temperments in dogs.
Unless this is something aboput this breed, particularly, I don't see why the male would have to be removed.
He may, like all human fathers, get more in the way than be of help at birthing time.LOL
I searched for some information for you.
I couldn't find an answer, but I did find a site that I think you can get the answers you have, from.
Maybe you could email them and find out about separating them.
Go to

Check out this page, especially,

Good luck, and get a cople of sweet cuddles from those pups when they get here, for me.