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Housetraining my beagle puppy

19 10:40:00

Hello Kristen,

I have a 10 1/2 week old female beagle puppy. She does well with her training, always going poop outside and even runs to the door when she has to go outside to go to the bathroom. She also goes pee outside and on her puppy pads, but every so often will just randomly pee inside in random places. she is usually very good about going pee but the accidents happen. I've read that she is very young to be getting the hang of training, and that she dosent have control of her bladder yet. How should i approach this?


Patrick, have you read my suggestions at yet? You should never leave a puppy that young unattended in the house; you need to have an eye on her at all times so that you can get her outside immediately if she starts to potty on the floor.