Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Grooming


19 9:13:54

QUESTION: My husky cross sheds a lot.  I have a de-shedding comb/brush that is every effective.  How do I know when to stop combing/brushing him?  I don't want a bald dog.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Wendy,
Have you noticed any skin showing through the hair?  If not, you are still okay.  You should feel plenty of long hair on him and not feel that shorter thicker hair closer to the skin.
If you put your fingers about 3/4 down his hair, it should feel thick.  You can probably pull out a wad of it quite easily with your fingers.  That is the undercoat.  That can be taken out, the longer silkier stuff is what should be left. Never push hard with de-shedder, it can scrape the skin.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you Nancy.  I think I'm doing it right and have been taking off the undercoat.  Doesn't a dog need the undercoat for warmth?

Yes, they do.  Take less off in the winter and more in the summer.  Be aware of your dog's actions.  If he seems restless and irritated when it is cold he may be chilly, you can always put a coat on him.  Once you do that and he realizes it warms him, he will let you know to put the coat on when he is cold.