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My Dog has panic attacks during storms

19 11:47:56

What can I give to calm my dog that is a mixed breed yellow lad & shepard. She pants really bad and shakes and prances all over the house.

Hi Lori and thanks for your question.

I have two dogs that are storm-nervous.

There is a great product called Rescue Remedy that is a type of herbal. It works well for alot of dogs, but doesn't for some. There are quite a few herbal's that work for anxiety or as a mild sedative. Valerian is quite safe and acts as a mild sedative. St. Johns wort is a mood enhancer and can be used with dogs with anxiety. The thing with these are, you have to give it at least an hour in advance or they are not effective. If you know storms are in the forecast, you can go ahead an give them, but if it's one of those frequent summer storms that move in quickly and are gone, then they will do no good when they are needed.

One of the best things to do in these cases is to not nurture their fear. Don't talk to them or look at them. Pay them no attention or this will only enhance their worry. They are very good at reading OUR concern and will pick up on your nervousness at their distress. This will only enhance their anxiety. I know this sounds cruel, but it's really the most humane way to help them through a tough time.

My older beagle has found that she can go into the closet and "hide" there until the storm passes and my little Chihuahua lays at my feet. I don't pay them ANY attention. They work their way through it and are back to their normal selves.

Good luck and don't feel guilty for ignoring her during her stressful times. You are doing the right thing.