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head strong miniature schnauzer

19 9:52:18

QUESTION: can you help me my 18 week old mini is a nigtmare on walks he pulls and constantly barks at everyone we meet. what is the best type of collar and leash for him. im beginning to dread walks. do you think having him neutered at 6 months will help.  thanks

It sounds like you really need to get control of him...If he is like this at 18 weeks, you will be in a nightmare at 18 months.  
I need  a little more information.  Is he fearful when he is barking or just robust? what does he do if someone walks up to him to pet him.  does he pull away or does he get friendly?  Please give me precise info...I would love a video if possible

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: nancy thanks for your reply. when he is barking he is robust. if someone walks up to pet him he will get friendly. it seems more of a feaful bark if people are in the distance. sorry I cant supply a video. im not sure if I should let him go up to people when he is barking or cross the street he has no problem with other dogs he meets. I just dont seem to have control of him with a regular collar. But with him being young not sure what to use. Thanks for any help

Ok  that is good, that he is friendly.   
Here is what to do:
Try this first.  When you go for a walk, the minute you see him start to tense up at a distant person, you about face and go back the way from which you came.  As he calms, you treat him and then turn back around again.  This should be repeated time and again until he gets the idea that he is not going to make any progress while he is barking.
When at home teach him the command to "speak".  When you are walking and he starts barking you can also say "No speak" as you turn him.  Tell him once only and keep going until he settles down. If you are in a busy area and both ways have distant people, then do this in a quiet area and have a friend out in the distance.  Always walk briskly so his attention is engaged in the new activity. This will take a concerted effort, but schnauzers are smart and he should get it in the first week.  When he is finally quiet viewing a distant person, praise and treat him constantly until the person is very close and then let the person pet him.  The minute he gives in to the barking, he gets turned the other way and no treat until he is calm and quiet....
It is better if he learns to behave you instead of having to use an apparatus.


If this doesn't work and you seem to have a more serious problem then try this type of device.

Now don't get scared at what I am about to tell you. I wouldn't tell you anything to hurt your dog....
There is a collar that people think is awful and if used incorrectly it can be, but I am going to tell you how to use it safely and painlessly.  It is a prong collar or pinch collar...
This collar was designed to simulate the mothers bite.  If you have bred dogs, you will know that when a mother dog wants to stop a pup from doing something she puts her teeth on his neck and holds on to him, never hurting him or leaving even a mark.  This is how this collar was originally designed to work.  People have so misused it that it has been labeled cruel.
Here is how you use it.   After putting on the rubber tips, fit it onto you dog (ask pet store to show you how to attach it) and leave enough room to get 4 fingers under it.  Four fingers for a pup.  While in the house, let him see how it works.  To do this, let him stand next to you and you hold still.  When he goes to walk away, just hold onto your end.  Now, remember he may think that you have some teeth on his neck and he will do one of two things.  He will either stop and look at you,, or he will revolt...
Stopping and looking at you deserves a treat.
Revolting is the hard part.....................If he does this you will go with him only letting him feel gentle pressure on the leash and collar.  The SECOND he hesitates you jump in with "Good Boy" and a treat.   Now you will take him outside where there is no one, and try a little walk,  If he revolts use the same method as before.  If he pulls, you can let the leash go a little tight and change directions.  Once he respects the collar you won't have anymore trouble.
The reason I tell you to use the regular collar first, is because he will become aware of what collar he is wearing and may only be good when he is wearing the latter.