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Dogs and sleep

19 10:40:58

We have a very loved 7 month old Yorkie/bishon mix who is sleeping in our bed and would like to move her to one of the kids rooms...10 and 12 yrs old.(kids) Any suggestions on how to make this transition without upsetting the whole house at night?

If you plan on letting the puppy sleep with the kid, it may not be much of a problem.  If not, I would put the puppy in a small crate and put it close to the bed and oriented to where the puppy can see the kid. You may just have to endure it making a fuss.  

The key to most behavior problems is approaching things using the dog's natural instincts. Dogs see all the people and dogs in the household as a pack with each having their own rank in the pack and a top dog. Life is much easier if the 2 legged pack members outrank the 4 legged ones. You can learn to play the role of top dog by reading some books or going to a good obedience class. A good obedience class or book is about you being top dog, not about rewarding standard commands with a treat. Start at For more on being top dog, see