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showing affection

19 13:57:13

Hi Becky

I have a ten week old Papillon pup. He used to be very affectionate with me licking my face and hands etc and I love that.

Now seems he has traded that for biting me on the face and hands etc and NO kisses at all. He just wants to use me as a chew toy.

He is still very kissy and licky with my hubby and friends and family but not me. I am home with him all day and do most of the care feeding training etc.

He follows me all over the house and wants to be with me and sit on me etc. but never licks my face or hands anymore. I love kisses from a dog so this is very dissapointing to me and I dont feel as close to him now as I did.

I dont wear perfumes or creams and dont understand what happened. I have only had him just over a week.

It would be different if he was like this with everyone but its just me for some reason.

Do you have any idea what is the problem or how I can change this. Other dogs I have had in the past loved me and loved to lick my face and hands.

Thanks Elle

Hi Elle!

It sounds to me like your puppy is doing this because he loves you the best!  What I mean is......he is trying to play with you.  Since he spends most of his time with you, he wants to play just as he would another puppy.  The nipping is all part of "dog play". Have you ever observed two puppies or more playing?  They will nip and bite and jump at each other.  This is part of their way of showing affection and having fun.  I think he is playfully nipping at you because you are his "pal" so to speak.  I am not a dog trainer, therefore I may not be the best one to tell you how to stop this behavior without ruining his love for you.  I don't think you should hit him for doing it, as it would make him fear you.  Maybe a firm NO when he tries to nip at your face and hands.  If I were you, I would ask this same question to one of the trainer "experts" and see what they say about this situation. Papillions are such nice dogs, I have actually wanted one for a long time.  
Good luck to you and God bless!
