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8wk old puppy

19 14:15:56

Hi Dawn-

I have a 8wk old puppy that I recently got.  The previous owner had him for 2 weeks, so they got him while he was 6wks old.  I know taking a puppy home/away from their littermates and mother at 6wks is too early, and that they couldn't learn the things they could've if they stayed longer.  

My question is, what kind of behaviour and obedience do you think the puppy didn't learn from being taken away from his littermates and mother at that age?

Hi Linda,  The good thing about your situation is that puppies imprint from birth until about 4-6 months of age, so they can still imprint with good behaviors even if they have been taken away too young.  The big thing they tend to not learn is to keep their den clean which affects their potty training.  They also tend to bond more with the human if taken away too young and can have some major separartion anxiety problems due to not being able to be left by the human in their mind.  Otherwise, they grow up to be normal puppies just like everybody else.  Hope this helps,
