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Can I get your opinion on my dogs health?

19 11:52:16

Hi.I wanted your opinion on something that is very important to me.My dog is a 12 year old sheltie male {like a sibling to me} and has just been diognosed with heartworms.I am one who believes in God's natural earth remidies.All of my pets are on holistic pet food diets and often eat organic raw meats and vegetables.I have just started giving my sheltie flax seed oil {organic} to help support heart health and I also started giving him organic black walnut hull because it is an alternative heartworm preventive.I have read a lot of bad stuff on heart guard and other medications and am scared of risking my dog's health.I have also started him on organic dandilion which is a good immunity builder especially if your do is under going harsh treatments for heartworms.My vet wants me to start treatment though I want to do a sonogram first since I have read that it is the most efficient way to know where and how many heartworms your dog may have.My dog is older and even if he was young I would still be unsure about the treatment options for heartworms.I want my dog to be cured but I just don't know what to do.I want to give him a body cleanse but just don't know if it will get rid of the worms or at least all of them.I am also scared of the treatments the vet will use.Do you think it would be too dangerous?Do you think I should put him under treatment and just keep giving him natural immunity supplements to help him deal with the drastic treatment? Have you had an older dog or known someone with an older dog that has undergone a heartworm treatment?Please give me some advice.I am asking several people because opinions from dog experts are important to me and I will appreciate any help you can offer.I would ask an online vet but there isn't one available.I love my dog with all of my heart.I want what's best for him without it harming him.What do you think?

Hi Haley,
Although some holistic treatments work quite well, I doubt you will be able to get rid of the heartworms that way. Since your dog is older, the heartworms will kill him by clogging the heart.  I have seen older dogs treated and come out very good from the experience.  I suggest you have him treated then put him on a heartworm prevention.  My dogs have been on heartguard for their whole life and never had any problems.  My older dogs are 15 years old.  My personal opinion is that I would much rather give them a once a month treatment, than have to deal with a heartworm infection.  You need to talk to your Vet regarding the age of your dog.  I know you want the best for your dog, but at this point, holistic treatment is not going to save your dogs life.  I hope all goes well.

God Bless,