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Excited behavior

19 10:08:06

Hello Karen:
I have a 4 month old boxer pup named Rosebud. My question is how to handle her excited behavior around strangers. For instance, when we are out for a walk she becomes distracted and wants the attention of all passers-by. I try and tell her to sit and she does for half a second, but then she is wiggling and rubbing herself on the person. The people think its cute cause she's a pup, but I want her to be obediant. How can I teach her to be a well mannered pup but is friendly???

The obedient part of her will come with time as long as you keep working with her. Right now, I wouldn't be too concerned with what she is doing as people skills are very important to learn at this age. Her attention span will be longer in a couple months and you can get a bit tougher on her then as you insist that she behave.

In the meantime, get her into some puppy obedience classes, and keep working with her every day. She sounds wonderful to me!