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mini schnauzer starting to go into heat

19 11:38:28

Hi, I have a 6 month old miniature schnauzer. I was told by the breeder to wait till she was 6 months old to get her neutered. It is a week over the 6 month mark and next week is when I was planning on taking her in. Yesterday, Friday July 6, I noticed she was swollen...and today she is even more swollen. I'm afraid I'm too late for her first cycle. I also know that if she is done before her first cycle it can cut down on certain health risks. I'm trying to find answers and calm myself since. Any advice or information you may have would be very appreciative. Thank you, Heidi and Koda

Hello, The vulva sweels and starts to give bloody discharge for a few days then it turns orangeish and then yellow this is when she is very fertile and will allow a male to mount and will easily get pregnant. Wait out her cycle for her health sake spaying during a cycle does increse risks of her dieing under the knife as she would need to be kept asleep for longer. I had my lab spayed during her second cycle it was more risky but I wasnt about to have mutt puppies roaming the house either she recovered fully and without problems but still it is more risky and of course more expensive to do it when she is in heat. Just keep a close watch on her walk her only On leash and make very sure she can not get out of and nothing can get into your yard during this time.