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My dogs toe nails

19 14:18:07

Help - I clipped one of my dog's toe nails too short and cannot get it to quit bleeding .  He is a big dog - part chow/black lab and it is his front paw middle toe.  I've applied pressure and put neosporin on it but it keeps bleeding .
thank you  

Hello Jacki, I hope by the time you get this the nail has stopped bleeding or you have taken the dog to the vet.  In the future if you are going to clip your dogs nails at home, buy first an item called Quick Stop.  This is a special powder substance that if you bleed a nail you dab the powder directly on the quick, the spot that is bleeding.  Sometimes it requires a few applications before the bleeding stops.  This will enable the quick to clot and stop bleeding.  There have been many suggestions of household products, flour being one of them, but I have found none to work effectivly.  You can buy Quick Stop at any local pet store or on line at  Good luck, and don't worry this happens to the best of us just have a remedy on hand just in case.  Cindy lou :)