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Where to Crate a new puppy at night

19 10:01:43


We just adopted a 3 month old cockapoo from a rescue shelter a few nights ago. We have started crating her and she seems to like it. She goes in during the day to nap and rest. She still doesn't really like the door closed that much, though she will stay in it and not whine for short intervals. We are on our 4th day.

We are crating her at night and am not sure whether to leave her in the living room or our bedroom. We have done both, I would rather not have her in our bedroom as we are very light sleepers.

She is whining a lot and has been keeping us up. Last night she was in the Living room and whined and barked for over an hour. I took her for a walk during the night to see if she had to go pee, but she did not. She then went quiet when she was put back in the crate. All 3 nights she has gone the whole night (about 8 hours) and didn't go pee when I took her our, nor did she have an accident in her crate. I just put on ear plugs and we tried to sleep. When she was in our bedroom, we didn't sleep much at all, she would whine every hour or so.

She also whines very loudly, and pawing at the door when she is left alone or when we leave the room. How should we address this. I think that she may just be adjusting. I don't really what her conditions were at the rescue. She isn't housebroken yet. She has had a few accidents but is going outside. She is just starting to eat normally after having no real appetite for the first 2 days.

Do you suggest that we continue with letting her whine, even if it's for extended periods? Or should be put her in our room, though this isn't where we want her to stay.

ANSWER: It is quite common for puppies to whine when they are separated from their mom & littermates. Make sure that she doesn't need to potty-sometimes they will whine. A good bout of play and then a potty break before bedtime usually helps as it wears them out. Don't go in and check on her when she is whine or acknowledge her - this only encourages the behavior and she will not stop. She will eventually stop-I'm going on 3 weeks with my puppy. It is getting shorter and shorter every night. Hang in there! The crate is the best thing for her right now-putting her in the bedroom will allow her to potty inside, which you don't want. Dogs are den animals and they like having their own place. You can throw a blanket over the crate to make it seem like her own comfy cave. Give her a couple of toys to chew on like the Kong interactive toys. It can keep her busy until she dozes off. Good Luck!

hope this helps and please rate my answers

thanks again


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: So, the puppy has been enjoying her crate during the day, sleeping and playing in it. We will let her roam in the kitchen by herself after going outside to relieve herself. She goes right way now.

At night, at about 10:30pm I take her out again, she does her business and then I put her in the crate and stay with her for about 20 minutes to relax her. She is quiet and seems almost asleep. I try to go to bed and within a minute she will start barking and yelping. This hasn't slowed down much, I am not sure how long it lasts cause I just put on a sound machine in my room and try to drown it out, but I know it has been over an hour.

I tried playing classical music and now am trying the windup clock that some people suggested to put in the crate, wrapped by a blanket. They say it helps sooth them. It's only been a week since we adopted her. She had been staying clean the whole night from about 11-6 am, but this morning she pooped in the crate, it was all over her. She has had a loose stool and today it is very runny with a small bit of blood. The vet said it may be from pushing to hard and to put her on a bland diet.

Also, she was bit in the paw by yellow jacket yesterday and it caused her a lot of pain.

Should i keep on doing what I am doing with the crate in a different room and just let her get used to it at night?  I will be getting up around 2:30 now to take her out, just in case she can't hold it all night, but I think it's from the loose stool.  The problem is that when I get up at 2:30, she will bark again when I leave. She is about 15 weeks.  How long does it usually take for them to not bark and yell at night. Other than that, she is great.


just keep doing what your doing but u could put a blanket over her crate and record yourself calling him/her and talking to eat other

and iit could take up to  3 months to make him/her stop barking and whining during the night
please rate my answers x x x

thanks again

x x x april x x x