Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > 15 year old labrador bitch struggling to eat

15 year old labrador bitch struggling to eat

19 10:41:49


recently or 15 year old labrador bitch has been struggling to eat or drink although mainly eat. We have taken her to the vets and had her mouth checked out and a general look over but nothing to pin point any problems except old age. She wants to eat and has happily eaten half of my cheese sandwich or wants what we eat, but when it comes to feeding time she just dosen't eat all the food if any she sniffs then walks away and especially doesnt eat the dog food with such passion as she does the cheese sandwich! can you suggest any food variations? or make? or a drink option also? as its upsetting to see her not eat when it looks like she wants to.



Hi Vicky-

Sorry it took so long to get back to you, I was unexpectedly admitted into the hospital for a few days.

I am so sorry to hear about your dog. Try some nice soothing easy to digest foods, like chicken broth with rice mixed in, or scrambled eggs, yogurt (plain), and light cottage cheese. Once she starts eating these you can mix in a little chopped boiled chicken for protein. At her age, its pretty common for owners to have to start cooking for their dogs to entice them to eat.

Good luck!