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Separation Anxiety/Aggrsesion

19 11:05:09

I rescued a lurcher 2 years ago. She has always had a problem with peeing and occasional pooing when ever left alone (bed times & whilst at work). However there has never been a pattern to her behaviour, it is very inconsistent. She can go days or weeks without doing it, then it will start again. I have video recorded her, I have seen a behaviourist, she has been crated. Nothing has solved the problem. She has also been tested at the vets for any medical problem that may be apparent, but all is ok.
As a last resort (1 month ago), we thought a companion would solve her problem; give her some company. Unfortunately, she was quite aggressive with the Greyhound we rescued. It is not a continual aggressive behaviour, however, when in too close a proximity with him, she will attack. We keep them both muzzled when we are away from the home and at bed time just to be on the safe side. This is something I do not want to do forever!
I conduct my own behaviour as leader, with the lurcher next in line, followed by the Greyhound.

The peeing has continued with the lurcher and now the greyhound has starting pooing.
Both don't have  a problem with toileting when we are present, they know where to go and how to let you know.

I really am at my wits end as I have been so patient with them. I have never punished either of them for this behaviour.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Kind regards


Well I think the best thing would be to crate both dogs when you are not home-but also use a product called 'rescue remedy' that helps to calm them right down,and often that works just as well as drugs but it is a natural product and can be bought at any health food store

And some dogs,if all else fails have to be given drugs,such as prozack to calm them down-and it does work wonders on a number of dogs,but first you have to speak to your vet about dosages ect and is often a miracle drug for dogs,and with some dogs only has to be used if you are going out