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dogs...behavior and gas!!

19 11:51:18

I have a 2 pronged question for you...something in all my years raising dogs, I've never come across. We'll start with perhaps the easiest...I HOPE! I have a mixed breed female, about 5-6 months old, and I feed her dry food with occasionally canned food as a treat. Regardless of what she's had that day, she has a TRMENDOUS problem with gas...not noticable until I bring her indoors, then I wish I was OUTDOORS! Is there anything I can buy to stop this problem??
Second part...she's a sweet pup, good disposition and LOVES to be around ppl, but I can't for the life of me get her to "play" fetch, no ball, no exictment factor whatsoever. With the Rottie I used to have....that all came natural, but this pup almost seems to have the K-9 version of ADD. Any suggestions on how to get her engaged? I'm at a total loss.
Thanks for your time, and I sincerely hope you can help.

I don't know I have a good answer to either question.  You might try a different type of food.  Not a different brand of the same thing, but one with as few of the same ingredients as possible.  Passing gas tends to be the worse in the hours following a meal.  We once solved such a problem by moving the dog's feeding time to bed time.  By morning, he was fit to be around.  There are also charcoal tablets, but I don't know if they help.

I am not sure on getting her to play.  Try getting a ball and playing with it yourself.  Throw it up and catch it, bounce it on the floor.  When you drop it,
madly go chasing after it.  She needs to see you place a high value of the ball.  
In general, dogs see us as strange.  She may decide if you value the ball, perhaps there is more to it than she thought.

I have had a rash of questions here lately from people blind sided by a female coming into season at 7-8 months.  Suddenly they have the unexpected hassle of a female in season.  It surprises me how little many people know.  I hope you were already planing to have her spayed soon.  Please do so.  We just don't have enough good people like you to give homes to all the mixed breed dogs we have.  Life will be much easier for her, you, and the people at your local shelter