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19 10:55:44

I had 2 questions:
1-what to do/not to do in order not drawing attention of unattended dogs
2-what to do/not to do if a dog follows you barking?
many thanks!

There are unfortunately no absolutes as far as avoiding dogs and avoiding attacks. But there are some things you definitely should NOT do and some that hopefully will help.
Try to scope out neighborhoods where dogs are allowed to run loose, and avoid the houses and areas that they frequent. If you MUST jog or walk near an area where you know that there is a loose dog try not to infringe on his territory. Cross the street a good ways prior to getting near his territory. You can slow to a walk as you pass by, avoid making eye contact, walk proud., shoulders back eyes ahead and confidently. Remain calm. Don't look back at the dog, just walk away. If you're riding a bike, the dog is most likely after the bike and not you. Try getting off and walking the bike. Do remember to always keep the bike between you and the dog particularly should you need to stop.
If the dog DOES lock on to you and begin to fix his attention on you, DEFINITELY continue but do NOT run, do NOT make eye contact,. ignore him completely.  I can't emphasize enough how important it is to remain calm. If he begins to approach you barking, STOP, turn around and face him but do not make eye contact. Remain calm, and still, MOST dogs will lose interest at this point. For those who don't, as much as i hate to say it, carry pepper spray, and try not to use it unless you KNOW the dog is going to bite. Do NOT yell, scream, wave your arms, throw rocks or run away. The first three things are seen as antagonizing and likely to encourage him to attack., the last will be seen as a win on his part and submission and again will likely encourage attack. Do be aware that none of these things, as I said earlier are guarantees, but most of them work most of the time with most dogs.