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grooming problems

19 14:02:23

I hope you can help me! I live in Newfoundland and I have a 2 year old newfoundland/Labrador retriever mix named Holly.I took her to a groomer about 5 weeks ago to be cut down. She has a huge coat and as she is an indoor dog I wanted to cut down on the shedding.. Anyway, my problem is , since I had her shaved she has been constantly chewing and sucking on her hind legs around the knee joints. I have asked other dog owners about it and they tell me it could be a razor burn. She chews at it so much that her fur which is a rich black has now got brown patches in these areas. I have checked her skin and it appears to be healthy, there is no redness or scaliness noted.I tried bathing her at home, because I thought maybe she was sensitive to the shampoo the groomer used but this didn't help.   
I have even been thinking about not having her groomed again ( although she just looks so cute and it saves me so much time on housework!)

I really don't know what it could be...something must have irritated her.  But 5 weeks later you think she would be leaving it alone by now. Are you sure she was not doing this before the haircut? Many times if a dog has arthritis in the joints they will lick and chew at the joint to try and relive aching. Other then that, I am at a loss...sorry I can't be more help.