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Dog Licking Other Dogs Privates

19 11:34:10

I have a 1 year old male French Bulldog that I have had since he was a puppy. He is not neutered. My question is why does my dog immediately go for other male dog's penises. I know it sounds like a joke, but the moment he gets around another male dog, he goes directly for their privates and licks the other dog's penis. He is a very well behaved dog, but will not respond to me when I tell him NO! firmly which always works to discipline him otherwise. He doesn't seem to cower and show submissive behavior toward other male dogs, he just runs right up to them and starts licking. Why is he doing this and how can I stop the behavior? It is terribly embarrassing. Thank you for any advice.

Unfortunatly, this is some dogs ideas of saying hello. Just like the butt sniffs.  LOL

I doubt it's a neutering cause. The only thing you can do is stop him running up to dogs period. Buy an extendable lead, and teach the recall. The extendable lead means you can haul him in if he doesnt respind and return to you.

For the recall, arm yourself with treats. Call his name, sound happy, and back away, if he starts towards you, make a big fuss, and reward him when he gets there. If not, dont repeat yourself, just reel him in gently, and reward. Then try again.