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19 9:46:16

my dog is 12 1/2 mixed breed (lab and aussie) Just in last 3 days doesn't want to eat anything (tried eggs, cottage cheese, rice) drinks more water, and bowels changed.  Loose at first and then she appears constipated and can't go anymore.  Had been giving her 1 tablesp Fish oil in food everyday and a vitamin with Omega 3 but now no eating can't do that.  She loves milk bones and when I give her one of those she tried to eat but left half of it.  She threw up the eggs....I live on Soc. Sec. and finances really don't permit me to take her to a VET.  Thanks for any help you might offer......

Finances or not, your dog needs to be seen by a veterinarian to determine the problem. She could have some sort of "bug", infection, or maybe some bad teeth. The teeth wouldn't necessarily cause the vomiting and diarrhea, but she could have an absessed tooth which *could* cause vomiting. At her age you really shouldn't wait on this as old dogs can go downhill very quickly.

Talk to your vet; some are willing to let clients pay off their bills in monthly payments.