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19 11:11:53

I have a male neutered Pom. His first 5 months was at a pet store in a crate. One of his testicles had not dropped and the pet store owner paid for the surgery with a good Vet. Since his incisions have long past healed he has begun to rub himself back and forth on the grass and also the carpet. I have checked him all over on his belly and do not see any rash or bumps. However, while he is rubbing back and forth, he has this daze about him. I am wondering if he has begun to masturbate or is he just itchy?

Hi Barbara,

There are some dogs who masturbate a great deal-"making love" to pillows, people's legs, and furniture. This is common in adolescence, which fits in your dog's age group. If it continues into adulthood, dogs who seem to be over-sexed are prime suspects for castration.

Neutering a dog is pretty common, and while there aren't as many health benefits in neutering, as there are for female dog spaying, the first time any female dog in your are goes into heat, you will see the wisdom in neutering a male dog.

I don't mean to down play the health benefits of neutering.  Neutering causes the prostate to shrink into insignificance thus preventing both Prostatitis (an infection or inflammation of the prostate gland ) as well as the uncomfortable benign Hyperplasia (enlargement) that occurs with aging. Other health benefits of neutering include the prevention of certain types of hernias and tumors of the testicles and anus. Excessive preputial discharge is also reduced by neutering.

Neutering can be performed at any age over age 8 weeks provided both testicles have descended. Since your dog's undescended testes have been corrected, you're free to neuter your dog any time now.

Best of luck,