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11 Month Old Male Jack Russell only Poops Inside

19 11:00:07

Almost a month ago I got a 10 month old male Jack Russell.  He is very sweet.  He sleeps all night now in his crate.  He eats in his crate.  He doesn't necessarily enjoy being in the crate a lot.  I have two other dogs - 9 year old female Cairn Terrier and a 2.5 year old female Jack Russell.  They are both housebroken.  

I have to leave Phantom in his crate while I work.  So that is 10 hours four days a week.  I have a sitter that comes mid-day to let him out to pee.  My daughter and I have tried everything to get him to poop outside. We have taken him out an hour after eating for 15 - 30 minutes.  Then brought him back in and put him in the crate.  Let him out and watched him, confined him to small areas, etc.  It seems no matter what we do he eliminates in the house.  It is so frustrating.  We don't know what else to do.  We'd love to let him run around like the other two but he is definitely not there yet.  This morning I walked all three dogs for about 30 minutes and within 5 or 10 minutes I caught him squatting, picked him up and it was too late.  So one again we had to clean up poop off my hardwood floors.  I just don't know what to do anymore.  We desperately need help and  suggestions.

I think the adjustment that I would make is a simple "pooping outside = freedom. Not pooping outside = you stay on a leash with me until my next scheduled bathroom break."

Also, I would use the crate less, try an ex pen that you can gradually make larger or cordon off areas once he has a better idea about what to do.

It's annoying yes, but try not to make too big a deal of it yay or nay when he goes either inside or out. He may be learning not to do it around you with too much focus on it.

If he has not been dewormed in the last few months, you may want to do that too.

Lastly, do not leave the food down all the time and yes I know this affects your other dogs as well. Feed on a schedule, it will help.