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labman is all over

19 14:22:30

Hi Char
I just noticed Labman has himself all over on German shehperds so I naturally baited him on a  breeding question.
then I have to answer one for a girl shipping two large dogs and 3 cats, he is on there, so I baited him on how to ship animals from one country to another.  Not just in your auto in crates that you live by but the real thing man.  Let you know how he answers, he is on Labs, Shephrds, shipping and God knows where else.

Hi Pat;
Now you have to remember, Labman has raised dogs for this service dog place for 10 years. They tell you everything you are to do. You do not have to learn anything else, but the routine they teach you. They lay out exactly what is to be fed, how the training is to go and everything else. So naturally, this makes you a know-it-all about every aspect of raising dogs for every purpose.
Have yo ever heard the expression "A LITTLE education is a dangerous thing"? Well, he has a LITTLE training on how to raise dogs, so naturally, this LITTLE education makes him dangerious.
If he weren't putting out so much wrong information, he would be funny.
When he shows up on the cooking boards I answer on, I think I will throw in the towel.LOL
Training a service dog is quite different than training a dog to just be a family member, or training hunting dogs, or training guard dogs.
But you know how he earns his living! He is a Psychologist!
Never saw one of those that didn't think they had the answer to everything.
I would love to see him spend one day with my group. They would drive him nuts.LOL
They are so good, each in their own way, at working humans.
When Rowdy is pulling your chain, you can see it in his devilish little eyes.LOL
Silky is really having a lot of trouble with her Arthritis, and now she has Cataracs. She is playing it to the hilt. She just sees a little, and she started Accupuncture 2 weeks ago. It has done wonders for her. She is on steroids, and other meds, but she has gotten so much movement woth the accupuncture, but she plays this crippled dog, pitiful, so I have to have my way, invalid, to the hilt.She has picked the chair she is comfortable in, and has taken it over. when the grandkids come over, she doesn't run to the door, she lays in her chair, with her head hung over the arm, and her tail wagging, for them to come and pamper her, which they do.
I would like to see him try to deal with a plain old spoiled rotten dog.LOL
I am going to try to read his answers. There should be a place we can do that.