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Keeping a Dog chained

19 14:14:57

Hi, Ever since i was little i've had a passion for dogs so i've always wanted them in my life. Right now where i live i can't have a dog in the house nor can i let him run free. So my question is can i dog live a happy and healthy life if he's tied up? If you could answer this in at least a week or two i would be so very thankful..Thank you...

Hi, Susan.

While your best bet is to keep your dog inside, sometimes, as in your case, it just isn't possible. Tying up may be a good alternative, so long as you provide the proper equipment. The dog must have some sort of shelter -- a regular dog house with straw for the winter and a blanket or sheet in the summer will do. Also, the dog must have constant access to water, so you must be sure he can't tip over the container. To keep your dog from boredom, make sure he has a variety of dog toys he can play with. And be sure to walk your dog as well. Being kept in one area for too long is very irksome. At least twice a day for an active breed, or once a day for the others. It would be very helpful if there is a dog park in your area to let your dog run free for a little bit.

Hope this helps!