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confused and sick

19 11:45:09

i have a yorkie that just had puppies wed morning she had one that passed away thursday of a cliff pilot.  this morning that is saturday she was very confused and sick.  she is running into things.  we took her to the vet they gave her a iv and a shot for after birth that didn t pass.  he told us she could have had a seizer. she was on iv all day but she is still the same.  did you ever see this when you where working for a vet as a helper.  he also said she could be dehydrated. do you have a answers for the or tips that my help us figure out what is wrong.  thanks

Hi Sherrie!
Sorry, but no I have not experienced this.  You may want to check with a breeder "expert".  It certainly doesn't sound good, so please keep in close touch with your Vet.
I hope you can find someone to help you better than I can!
God Bless,