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Grooming a Schnoodle with Snap on Combs

19 14:14:58


I have been doing a bit of touch up grooming on our schnoodle and would like to try and do full grooming.  She has a fairly soft, wavy coat.  I purchased some snap on combs and have a #40 blade to use them with.  Are these appropriate to shorten the coat before scissoring?  If so, can I use them on her face?  Also, I would like to purchase some grooming shears but am unsure of which length to get.  Any specific suggestions you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Hello Tammie, First off let me explain a little about snap on combs.  Use them in this order for length.  #0 for longest length of hair left on the dog. #1 1/2 for next length then #1, #2 for shortest snap on comb length.  Any shorter than a #2 you might as well use a metal blade such as a #4.  AS for using a #40 under the comb.  This is what I use.  I would however advise you that if the snap on comb pops off...and this will happen if you run into a matt in the will be left with only the #40 blade on the clipper and this will shave a bald spot on your dog.  So just be careful when using the snap on's that there are no snags/tangles in the coat.  Yes you can use the snap on on the face if you like, they tend to be a little bulky and may be hard to get around on the face.  Use scissors for the face actually.  What kind of scissors, well mostly what you feel compfortable with.  I use an eight and one half Fromm scissor.  They come in anything from 4" to 10"  You might feel compfortable with something like a 6" or 8".  By the way use a metal comb to comb the hair when cutting.  You can find any and everything you need at this web site;  This is an online cataglog you can also have them send the catalog out to you.  Good luck, Cindy lou :)