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dog food and hives

19 9:40:33

My dog is a 3ish year old beagle basset mix, and we have been trying to find a food to fit him and his active lifestyle. almost every food we have given him has either made him itch all over, or gives him major gas. We cannot figure a right food out for him. we have found out that he is allergic to deer. I think he has allergies to pollen and stuff too. can you help? thanks


Yes, I can help.

Your little dog is most likely allergic to poor ingredients in most store bought food.  There has been so many animals developing healthy problems and once they are switched to an all natural (true) food they do better.

There is also a supplement that needs to be added to your pet's diet.  Please check out for the food I recommend and then for the supplement.
Both have a 100% guarantee so if your don't see the results you are hoping for just return the products.  I can almost bet that your dog will be better.  For using the NuVet - give one twice a day until your dog shows signs of relief and then give one daily to maintain proper nutrition.

Susan Potts, CPG

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: thanks but sorry i wrote that like really fast. I was in class and ran out of time. Like the food thing sounds really good. For his hot spots on his butt, back, groin, armpits, forehead, legs and throat area, I've been giving him oatmeal baths, and using medicated shampoo, it seems to help for a little bit but the itching seems to come back like shortly after I give him a bath. like other than the change in food is there anything I can do, like anything i can put on his hot spots to make him more comfortable? Because he seems really like annoyed at the spots and seems that they really bother him. Thanks

Hi Syd,

Buy some anti-itch spray with Tea Tree oil and start on some NuVet like I mentioned.  This will work on the problem at the source and go away.  Any spray, ointment or shampoo is acting just like a band aid, It won't last.  Let me know if you try this.

Susan Potts, CPG