Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > MY DOG--IS HE SICK???OR DYING???


19 11:39:25

QUESTION: Hi,I have 2 dogs both from the same litter,about 6 months old.Recently my dogs appeared to be sick.They were very weak and one has a weird spit-like foam on the side of his mouth and sometimes drools.I am pretty sure it's not rabbies,but there has been a raccoon around our house at night.They are pretty good watch dogs, so maybe they were fighting him.There dosen't appear to be any scratches or bites on him though.What we suspect is that he may have drank some anti-freeze,the other night he got off of his chain after poping the collar.When we came out to check on them the next morning they were both kind of sick looking.Then one seemed to get better and the other worse.One of them started to pant heavily and drools(and foams).He seems to be a little better, but we read somewhere that if you give them a little vodka or something of that sort.It will help absorb the anti-freeze.I would really appreciate it if you could help,because i really don't have any money to take the dog to the vet.If i had the money i would have already been,but i just can't do it.  Thanks in advance ,Ben

ANSWER: Firstly.  Why do you keep your dogs outside. Secondly.  Why do you own dogs if you can't afford to take them to the vet? I think you are in a bit of deep trouble here.  Anti-freeze alone can kill a dog.  We all know what rabies does.  The thing=g with with rabies is that it becomes a health issue for people too. I would go to the nearest vet explain myself, and set up a payment plan or just appeal to their good nature. What you have caused is major, and I would stay away from dog ownership for a LONG time.  You so obviously don't have a clue, and I'm appalled at your situation. Vodka is not safe for a dog.  That is the single most stupid thing I have ever heard.

You live in America no doubt.  No one in my country leaves their dog outside to "guard"

I will close with the final answer.  Your dogs need a vet now,  and perhaps a new home.  If you care about them at all then get them to a vet.  I would sell my eye teeth for my dogs.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: ok,thank you for the help i guess i will just have to take him to the vet and there are such things in this counrty called watch it that the crime rate is very high.

I get that,  but I live in Glasgow.  A city that has some of the highest murder rates in Europe.  Theft,  housebreakings. A city of crime and death,  but here people have alarms and better security.  No one is coward enough to put their pet on the front line. Maybe rethink your whole guard dog approach.

Good luck with the vet.