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Puppy Crating

19 11:26:40

We have a 10 week old golden retriever.  He relieves himself appropriately throughout the day but overnight "poops" in his crate.  This has happened for 4 straight nights. We do all the things we have read including reducing the space in the crate so not to have additional space, a blanket to feel like his den, and we take him out right before bed.  What could be causing this?

How late are you feeding him? No food after five pm will help HUGELY with this issue. Also what are you feeding him? Poor quality dog food that is full of fillers and by products causes a pup to have to go more often to rid themselves of what they can't use. And when has he been de wormed last? Does he appear to have an upset tummy? How early are you taking him out in the mornings? How late are you putting him in the crate at night? He should be taken out the last time about eleven pm or so and again between six and seven AM in the morning, the earlier the better. At this age,they are like infants, they can only hold it for so long and then they HAVE to go.
let me know how this works out for you